Why Should All Family Members Complete Delaware Defensive Driving?
To receive the full insurance discount, all licensed family members on the same Delaware auto insurance policy should complete a Delaware Defensive Driving course. If all family members don’t complete the course, the insurance company will only give you a fraction of the discount.
The Delaware Department of Insurance Regulation 607 states: “A 10% [15% for Refresher] discount shall be applied with respect to the applicable premium(s) for each automobile, motor home, or motorcycle insured under a policy if all operators named on the policy as insureds complete the course. If fewer than all the operators covered as principal or occasional drivers complete the course, then the discount shall be a fraction of 10% [15% for Refresher]. The fraction shall be the number of operators completing the course, divided by the total number operators.”
Besides the benefits of becoming a safer driver, don’t miss out on your full savings! Make sure everyone on your car insurance policy (spouse, children or dependents) completes the course. We also offer a special discount for additional family members. Call or email us to find out more information here.