Delaware Emergency Vehicle Approaching
Two important questions about approaching emergency vehicles:
1. What is the law?
2. What should I do?
1. What is the law? Move right!
2. What should I do? Be Careful!
Please always keep in mind — the law which was written more than five decades ago states “move right”. When that option is available it should be utilized. However, safety should always be your guiding principle.
1. If your answer for right-of-way is an ambulance (blue arrow above) you are not always correct!
2. If your answer for right-of-way is a fire engine (red arrow above) you are not always correct!
3. If your answer for right-of-way is the police vehicle (green arrow above) you are not always correct!
Why? Because the operator of all three vehicles identified in picture #12- 10 above are responsible for the safe operation of their vehicles, yes, all three vehicles can proceed through a “red traffic signal” — but only if it is done safely during emergency conditions. Yes, they can all exceed the posted speed limit — but only if it is done safely during emergency conditions.
4. See picture #12-11 below to discover the only vehicle that has the absolute right- of- way!